Dunns Creek Dam - Upper Ringarooma Irrigation Scheme


Shaw Contracting/Tasmania Irrigation

Project Value

$10 million


Infrastructure Water

The Dunns Creek Dam is a 25m high, High B consequence category zoned earth embankment irrigation dam forming the supply storage for the Upper Ringarooma Irrigation Scheme, located at Ringarooma in Tasmania’s North East. Dunns Creek Dam has a storage volume of 6500ML and a catchment size of 25km2.

IPD Consulting were engaged by Shaw Contracting to undertake the design in conjunction with GeoTon Pty Ltd. IPD Consulting were responsible for undertaking the catchment hydrology and spillway sizing, gabion reinforced spillway design capable of passing the 1 in 100,000yr design rainfall event, stilling basin design, hydraulic and structural design of the 200m long DN972 8mm WT MSCL outlet pipe, including the 3 x DN600 floating intake structure.